26 July 2007

Hey, Look - MORE Friends!

A few more friends and they're also photographers! Jason, Jennifer, Kate, me, Rebekah and Stacy


Anonymous said...

You linked to me! I am gonna cry! Where are you?

threewinks said...

I'm so glad I was able to come to your goodbye lunch! It's always great to get together with our photo friends. Best wishes in Seattle! We'll miss you.

Jason McGrew said...

Rock on!!! It was great to be able to meet you before you went off. Thanks for the invite.

Kate Benson said...

Shannon loves... I love you.

LuckyRedHen said...

Awe... look, it's all my friends (wait, where's Rebekah to comment?)!

Jennifer... don't cry, I'm in Utah at the moment (was in CA when you commented).

Stacy... I'm so glad you could make it down :o) I'll miss you too!

Jason... we'll see each other again, I'm sure --- glad to meet you too!

Kate... the feeling's mutual ;o)

Rebekah said...

I love you! I miss you! Hey, where's the picture of me grabbing your boob?