10 January 2007


I'm having trouble lately. I've been so busy (a busy-body really) that I haven't been going to bed until tomorrow when I'm really sleepy 3 hours beforehand. I know it's just a habit, and a bad one at that. I suppose it could be worse. I could chew my toenails (I don't, if you must know).


Haley Warner said...

You should talk to my husband (ADD) who had trouble stopping for the day and actually RELAXING! I had that problem when I was starting my photography business... I would lay awake thinking of EVERYTHING photo related. Ambien. 'nuf said.

Lyle said...

Having more busy-bodies in the world is better than more couch potatoes....however, that does make for some sleep lacking nights. Ick.

Carina said...

I like going to bed in tomorrow. I just don't like waking up. Lately, we've had a schedule shift and I have, have, have to go to bed in today. Booo.

Tiffany UnTwisted said...

i have the SAME problem -- quite frequently. i just want to do so many things and find myself only able to AFTER putting the kids to bed. it's a bad bad habit. :)

plus i can't ever stop my mind so ... my vote is Tylenol PM. My friend.

Geo said...

Trust me, late nights eventually catch up to your face. But not gradually--all at once. This chronic insomniac recommends that you knock yourself out and get some shut-eye.