12 January 2008

My Twinkie

Piper: Mom, where are the Twinkies?
Mom: Why are you looking for Twinkies? Piper: Because I want to EAT one. Mom: Why do you need to eat one? Piper: Pssbttt, because it's Saturday. Oh. I guess Saturday is a special day, it's the day we eat a Twinkie.


luckyzmom said...

That's some powerful logic if you ask me!

Carina said...

She's got a point.

I should try making twinkies this week. That would be fun.

C. Jane Kendrick said...


Haley Warner said...

she is one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen.. really. :)

cazmom said...

Wow - she looks really grown up in this Twinkie picture. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

That's funny because I wanted a twinkie Saturday, too.

But I didn't have one.

Shellee Draper said...

Hey, you don't know me. I just ran across your blog and I had to stop and tell you that I LOVE your photography work. Love the name too!