18 September 2007

Trigger Finger

My trigger finger has been itchin'.
Check out my scratch ;o)

She calls this her "pirate" shirt (she picked it out at Target last night, we added a long sleeve black shirt underneath since it's a bit chilly here)... arrr!

What's funny about this image is that I asked Lisa about two pictures. Told her that I realize one is more of what other people would want to see but one is what I LURV. She tagged them right and I posted the LURVly one. I hope you don't mind I didn't post the one you'd want to see :o)


Kristine said...

You'll have to let her know that today is international talk like a pirate day!
Cute shirt...those skulls are intense.

pflower10 said...

She is so adorable.

LuckyRedHen said...

Arr, talk like a pirate! Thanks, Ang ;o)

luckyzmom said...

Ahoy to the little lass matie! How yer did that itchin' is amazin'. Tha scratch is perfection. Arrrrr!!!:=)

pflower10 said...
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pflower10 said...

ARRRRRGH, I can'ts believe me own self fer not cetchin' on. That's a fine little swamphand ye gots fer yeself!

Anonymous said...

anyway her skin is marketable? the light is amazing. it must be seattle light. all filtered through a dense foliage of evergreens and clouds. man i miss that.

b. said...

And she really is THAT beautiful....
Great job Mom!

ps. I don't speak pirate or watch 'em. bah humbug--is that close?

Megan said...

I can't imagine what the other must look like b/c I LURV this one! She's such a little beauty!

Oh, and before I forget...ARRRGGGH, Matey! :0)

Geo said...

Yoou know, right, that I am related to Cap'n Jack Sparrow?

Rynell said...

Adorable. Love it.

QueenScarlett said...

Lucky girl... to have a talented Mommy like you.

Anonymous said...

I lurve it too! (And yes, I knew it was talk like a pirate day. I want it to be dress like a pirate day.)

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Holey moley pretty baby! Love ya Red!

cazmom said...

She is breathtaking. I love the lighting in this picture and the shadows of her cheekbones.